הכרזותעלינו באתר חדש! במידה ויש שאלות או תקלות מוזמנים ליצור איתנו קשרליצירת קשר
כ״ב בטבת ה׳תשפ״ה | 22/01/2025

Communism, Progressivism and the Corona Revolution

כ״א בשבט ה׳תשפ״ב (ינואר 23, 2022)

Communism, Progressivism and the Corona Revolution

by Moshe Feiglin   14.12.2021


The majority of humanity seems to be under some kind of hypnosis.
A screen of tempered glass, thick and opaque, seems to separate those who comply from those who resist.
They live together, they talk; but they no longer communicate on the same frequencies. An abyss is opening up between the two groups; hatred is growing and even families are falling apart.

Ostensibly, in the modern world, in the rational world that developed from the Enlightenment, in the intelligent world based on principles of scepticism; in the world that created the Industrial Revolution, scientific innovation and modern nation-states, we intended our human communication to be based on verifiable evidence.
Logical and empirical proof was supposedly the basis of resolving conflict.

However, in the Era of Corona, the entire 'enlightened' world is undergoing a total communications shut-down! No research, no empirical and/or logical proof, will change the minds of our fellow human beings, even though we were raised in the lap of the Enlightenment and see ourselves as committed to physical reality and human reason alone.

What's going on here? Have we ever before in human history 'been there and done that'?


At the time of writing, in Israel, the government has announced its intention of using force on citizens who have chosen not to try Pfizer's experimental injection, which claims to vaccinate against Covid-19. The man sitting on the Prime Minister's throne in Israel actually wants to compel this injection on those citizens, by law.

And he is not the first. The first (in the Western world) to introduce compulsory injections, were the Austrians and Greeks while Germany is seriously considering this move. In some of the states of Australia, imprisonment camps have already been set up, where recalcitrant citizens who insist on control over their own bodies, are detained.

In other words, here is a process in which the actions of most of the governments of the free and enlightened world are becoming increasingly authoritarian, denying the human rights of those who opt against injecting unknown and/or unwanted foreign material into their bodies – for supposedly 'scientific' reasons.
Yet this is a blatantly illogical process! It's a process in stark contrast to new facts and information about the Pfizer material and in contrast to bitter experience with that material!

If, when Covid-19 burst into our lives, it was argued that now, there is an equation of values: individual human rights must be balanced with public needs, then, at the time of writing these lines – almost two years later – other questions have already become clear to every informed person.

-This injection has no impact whatsoever on the transmission of the virus from person to person.

-Furthermore, those who have been injected, continue to become infected and to infect others.

-On the other hand, it is becoming increasingly clear that the injection entails a significant risk of unbearable side effects – including tens of thousands of deaths reported in the official reporting systems of the USA and Europe. ((Htt 1 https://vaers.hhs.gov/ || https://openvaers.com))

In addition, it has become clear to all that younger populations, especially children, are at no significant risk whatsoever from the corona virus((https://pecc.org.il/docpdf/positionstatement_childvac/))

That's to say, if at the outset the danger was not clear enough and the 'vaccine' was considered 'effective and safe,' one could argue that the risk equation – risk from corona versus risk from the vaccine – tends to 'favor' corona. In other words, corona was more dangerous than the vaccine. Today, however, we know with certainty which populations are at risk and which are not at risk at all. ((https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.08.21260210v1    https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01897-w)) Today, when we know that the 'vaccine' is far from effective, far from safe, and for younger populations, completely unnecessary – why does the debate continue at all?
Why do the authorities continue to toughen their 'scientific' position?


The scientific debate, however, leads to a far more important debate: – the debate over values. Here the equation is not about the dangers of the virus versus dangers of the injection; but about individual rights versus the public rights. As danger from the individual decreases, his/her human rights, human dignity and human liberty increases.

In the enlightened and rational world into which we were born, one would expect – in view of an increasingly clear reality and according to all possible measurement – that the equation of values ​​of individual human rights versus the public good will increasingly lean towards individual human rights.

When it became clear that the non-injected does not endanger the public any more than the injected ((/https://brownstone.org/articles/16-studies-on-vaccine-efficacy))what ethical code allows us to violate his rights?
When it became clear that the injection itself was far and away more dangerous than any known vaccine in the past, what ethical code allows us to enforce it?
And when it became clear that youngsters – especially children – are in no danger whatsoever from corona, what ethical code could justify enforcing the injection of this dangerous substance (through the Green Pass) which is particularly dangerous for children?!

But reality slaps us in the face with full force. The more our experience and logic rules out continuing the injection boom, the more our values equation – which should be leaning towards human rights – seems to trample on human rights, upon the altar of an illogical and utterly unrealistic need: the so-called public good.


How, then, did it happen that just as the injection proves ineffective, unsafe and unnecessary, so draconian coercive measures are increased to enforce it?

The more it transpires that the injection proves ineffective, unsafe and unnecessary, so draconian coercive measures are increased to enforce it?

In totalitarian regimes this question is out of order. The logic of the regime must be found elsewhere. Stalin, for example, killed hundreds of thousands of forced laborers in useless projects. We are not looking for human reason in those regimes.

But when democracies adopt all the characteristics of totalitarian regimes; when the principle of separation of powers collapses; when both the legislature and the judiciary (and the broadcasting 'authority') instead of safeguarding our rights, all muster with the government in imposing the new totalitarianism; when the man sitting on The Prime Minister's throne relates to those who opt to stand for their rights against being injected with substances they do not want, as if to terrorists with submachine guns; when he calls upon parents to quarrel with each other and when his words are repeated by media broadcasters, a great, painful question mark has been raised.

But the real question is not directed at democratic governments.
Democratic leaders are made of the same stuff as totalitarian leaders. There has always been the urge to domination. But when a leader siezes the opportunity to expand his power at the expense of citizen's human rights, on the pretext of 'the enemy at the city gates' – albeit a faceless enemy, an enemy who invalidates the opposition and glories in his own power – even the best leaders will find it hard to resist temptation. Power always demands more power and the same is also true in democracies.

So the question is not really directed at the regime, not even a democratic regime. It is directed at those authorities that are supposed to monitor and balance the power of the regime: parliament, the legal system, as well as the media, the academia and the spiritual world.
Moreover, the question is directed at the majority of citizens who voluntarily join the leaders' power-expanding process.

Let us then clarify the question:

How did it happen that although the policies of democratic governments in dealing with the Corona crisis – from closures, isolation and testing to the frenzy of injections – have proved to be unrealistic, harmful and dangerous((https://rb.gy/jc7b0z)) the majority of the public continues to cooperate with the government, to justify it and even to attack those who do not cooperate?

What is the meaning of this hypnosis? How was that thick, opaque, tempered glass screen, built, which separates majority and minority? Why does the voice of reason fail to bridge between them?


Just like a computer, man needs operating software. Human consciousness needs a basic foundation idea that merges with reality; an idea that gives meaning; an idea that allows consciousness to re-organize the evidence it perceives and to provide a framework to understand that evidence.
This operating software could be pagan belief, which explains the facts of reality as a persistent struggle between various idols. It could be the Jewish belief in the One God. It could be the interpretative beliefs through Judaism's daughter religions – Christianity and Islam. And it could also be a belief in Man and his own reason.
We could say that the familiar human operating programs are paganism, monotheism and atheism.
Each of these 'programs' has different features and each gives reality different interpretations to deal with that reality.

Paganism denies a single, supreme ethical code for all humanity everywhere and invariably leads to the enslavement of the weak by the strong – who dominate the value system. Therefore paganism encourages submission and blind obedience.
Jewish monotheism introduced the absolute opposite of paganism. It is about the constant dialogue between man and God, the questioning and the partnership in improving the world. "Far be it from You to do such a thing — to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteous and the wicked alike. Far be it from You! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?" cries out our father Abraham to the one God whose message of Supremacy he has come to spread. ((Genesis: 18,25))

Atheism attempts to rely entirely on human reason but it is in constant danger of degenerating into paganism (when Man replaces God with that 'human reason' and turns himself into an idol) with all its consequences.

Although it seemed to us that the operating software of humanity under the Enlightenment was Human Reason, now we see that this isn't the case at all.

We can divide the Age of Enlightenment roughly into the modern, the post-modern and the progressive periods.

The modern democratic period (as opposed to the communist, fascist and Nazi periods) did not abolish the concept of God but changed worship from public to private – or at least, communal. Many thinkers of this era were people of faith.

Although the United States of America began in an innovative application of the concept of ​​political enlightenment (a nation of its citizens on its own territory as opposed to an ethnic nation with a religious basis) it was created as a very secular state. That was the case even though most of its citizens were religious – but they felt no contradiction.

Among the characteristics of the modern period was the pursuit of objective truth – or scientific truth.

Together with objections to the lack of rationality in religion; together with modernity's inability to accept contradictions between religion and reality (as our senses and reason perceived it) the modern period assumed that objective reality does exist.

In this way modernity and religious faith could well co-exist. Reality is, in fact, a secular word for God – who speaks to us through reality. In expressions such as 'nature created' or 'human conscience;' and in expressions such as 'God created' or 'the God within' – there is more overlap than contradiction.

The secularist sees God through glasses of reality, whilst religious man sees reality through the glasses of God.

"That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God," wrote Albert Einstein (New York Times, April 19, 1955).

The secularist sees God through glasses of reality, whilst religious man sees reality through the glasses of God.

The transition from the modern period to the post-modern destroyed the basic premise that there is absolute truth in reality.

"Postmodernism undermines science's ability to discover the truth; collapses social and cultural institutions of authority; it gives disproportionate significance to language and text; it questions the existence of 'high culture' and 'low culture'; it emphasizes style over content; it raises ambiguities about time and place…" and much more (Wikipedia).

If the modern period minimized the relevance of God into only one's personal space, then post-modernism which followed, completely cut the boundary between modernity and the deity. In other words, somewhere in the story, it cut out the existence of objective reality.

Post-modernism believed that by default, rational man would continue to preserve the free world's values ​​and human rights, hard won during the Age of Enlightenment, the French revolution and the American Revolution.

But what has evolved from the naivety of post-modernism, is violent, progressive anarchism on one hand, and the collapse of democracy and liberty on the other.

The concept of à chacun sa vérité or 'to each his own truth,' because 'everything just seems so' is a concept which deprives a person of his/her greatest value: meaning. There's no meaning without a purpose in a world we can aspired to.

But in a world without a positive reference – that's to say God or reality – only the negative reference remains. From there it's a short step to a negative perception of all current values and identities. They are enemies to be overcome and destroyed. No longer will we tolerate doubts as we did under the rule of post-modernism. Now, we decide by the rules of 'progress.'

This is how the politics of identity first arrived at the far reaches of our lives. Under thick layers of long-winded obfuscations, it enshrines an eternal war of annihilation between slave and enslaver; between men and women, between blacks and whites, between gays and straights; between nothing and no-one.

Sound familiar? A Class war?! The Eternal revolution?
We'll get to that…

Now that the definition of 'Master' or 'Enslaver' is not only economic status, but gender, skin-color, nationality, sexual orientation ('normal'?! God save us) – there is nowhere left to run…
We wouldn't recommend anybody today to be born white, male or 'straight' – in the USA.

Thus, under the pretext of a war on racism or sexual discrimination, Progress took up arms.
On the front line (discrimination against men and racism against whites, is obviously way out of line…) the whole world has become a war-zone, from the separate bathrooms in public places to the concepts of 'father' and 'mother' in filling out government forms.

This is how we have reached a point in history where the operating program of humanity, the consciousness through which we understand and respond to reality, does not seek objective, scientific truth. It does not tolerate different 'truths.' It battles and destroys the basic building blocks of personal and social identity: – human identity (as killing animals for meat is 'murder') sexual identity, family identity and national identity.

This is not the first time in history. During the Enlightenment an atheist society decided to totally dismantle familiar structures of society and to rebuild them, by force, with new inventions. Today's political war of Progress on identities was preceded by the class war of Communism. The result was the total loss of human freedom which, without exception, always led to murderous totalitarianism.
This is the slippery slope on which humanity stands today. Green on the outside and red on the inside – but it's not a watermelon: it is blood.


How can a person establish his identity when all familiar frameworks of identity have been removed from him? If it's not clear what is the essential difference is between him and say, his dog ((https://www.mako.co.il/news-law/legal/Article-f7c540c3a329221004.htm)); if his sexual identity is meaningless; if family can include anything; if nationalism is a kind of repulsive primitivism, what then is this person? To what, or why, does he belong? What makes him a 'somebody'?

The answer, we tell ourselves, is that the new man is a 'citizen of the globe.' Anything else demeans him. The point of reference of this progressive person is the Great Globe. Technology makes it easy for us to imagine this reality. Internet and Zoom have eliminated the need to move. Even when such a need arises, international travel has become cheap and simple. You can work on this side of the world, live on that side and take vacations on the third. The world belongs to the 'mobile.'

How wonderful. We have freed ourselves from primitive nationalism and from now on we are citizens of the Great Globe. Our patriotism has undergone a transformation and from now on our worries concern the blue ball, much more than our national backyard – our small, boring, unnecessary, national backyard.

The Israeli delegation to the climate conference was the second largest in the world. The Israeli Minister of Environment announced a moratorium on oil exploration in Israel. The Great Globe has moved front stage and our tiny country will drill no more oil that could possibly pollute the globe…

We have forgotten that it is entirely through national identity that man has attained freedom.
We have forgotten to what extent the founding fathers of the nations of freedom, gave their lives to achieve their national freedom.

But we, for a bowl of lentil stew, we have transferred our sovereignty, for which so many generations have yearned and so much blood has been shed, to international bodies such as the International Court of Justice in The Hague, the World Health Organization, the European Parliament –organizations that nobody has chosen.

The great media corporations have coordinated unimaginable power for themselves and complete control over the spirit and consciousness of Global Man.
The pharmaceutical companies (today, the largest industry in the world) have coordinated unimaginable power for themselves and complete control over the body of Global Man.

The mobile man who has been cut off from his national roots, the Global Man who imagined that the whole world was his oyster and he is no longer bound by chains of nationalism, has found himself isolated from the spaciousness that gave him freedom:- the space that speaks his language, the space that lives his culture, the space where he is able to choose. He is isolated from his life and his destiny. Global Man has found himself more exposed than ever before to the centralized, global control of supra-national organizations.

Global Man, who imagined that the whole world was his oyster and he is no longer bound by chains of nationalism, has found himself isolated from the spaciousness that gave him freedom.

The very idea of a sovereign democratic state signing a dark, secret contract with a commercial company, to turn its citizens into laboratory rats, would have been inconceivable in recent years. But in the age of Global Man, human rights, dignity and liberty have turned to dust and ashes.

The global consciousness which laid a false claim of freedom from national identity – and indeed any other identity – must ultimately, herald the most terrible slavery known to humanity.

There is no freedom without identity. The construction of a person's identity – from human to national identity – is the same construction through which he wins his freedom. Not for nothing did we become faceless numbers as soon as we entered the gates of Auschwitz. A person without an identity is a person who can be enslaved immediately.


And this is the answer to our question.

-That weird hypnosis wherein facts no longer affect anything …
-The tempered glass that does not allow for a truth-based dialogue…
-The critical, scientific discourse that can no longer be found ((All over the world, scientists and researchers who try to say present the opposite view are being boycotted. Prominent examples in Israel are Dr. Michal Haran, members of the Public Defender's Office (Public Emergency Council) and more.))…
-The alternative opinion that has disappeared from all propaganda channels …
all these are the result of the same progressive consciousness that has bought our psyche to a standstill.

We have given up factual reality – because everything is in the eye of the beholder.
We have given up personal and national identity – when we became citizens of the whole world.
We have given up our freedom and handed over our future to international organizations and companies which control our minds and bodies without inhibition.

All the futile arguments about Covid-19 and the value of the vaccines happen in a meaningless vacuum.
All the studies and facts assume that the rules of the game include logical and empirical proof.

However, the rules of the game have changed fundamentally. We live today in a world that does not consider and does not seek scientific truth. That means we live in a world that has no reality. Everything is imaginary; and those who control the imaginary and the human physical body (the media and pharma companies) have full authority to control human beings through their imagination – because anyway, human beings have lost their consciousness of freedom and one way or another, their ability to resist.

Those who control the imaginary and the human physical body (the media and pharma companies) have full authority to control human beings through their imagination – because anyway, human beings have lost their consciousness of freedom and one way or another, their ability to resist.

If the swine flu vaccine was taken off the shelf in 1976 after a few dozen reports that it had caused Guyane-Barre Syndrome (GBS);

If the Rotaviru vaccine against was taken off the shelf in 1999 following reports in the official US reporting system VAERS of relatively few deaths;

Yet today, after tens of thousands of reports in the same system, of deaths from Pfizer's experimental injection; indeed, more reports than all vaccines reported ever since the establishment of this reporting system 30 years ago .… not only have these injections not been thrown in the garbage, but they are even being enforced with increasing brutality.

In the progressive world – the sophisticated, modern continuation of communist ideology – in a world without God and therefore without truth; in such a world justice is also absent and ethics no longer have a place.

In this evil world, where global control deviates entirely from any transcendental value scale ​​– that is to say the Ten Commandments – the commandment "DO NOT KILL" has disappeared totally.


When one explains to a communist or radical leftist, that, wherever communism took control, it brought more death than any other ideology in human history, his laconic answer will always be, 'True, there were failures, not in the of theory of communism but in its application.'

This is how M.K. Dov Hanin once explained it; this is how M.K. Ofer Kasif explains it today – and this is how, in one way or another, most people explain it.

That's to say, we are dealing with a utopia which doesn't need to be realistic. Communism saw no problem in rewriting history for its own purposes. It is an ideology which inevitably leads to wholesale death – "because I have said 'only there is no fear of God in this place and therefore they will kill me'," said Abraham our Father – Genesis 20:11

We are witness to a process which is alarmingly reminiscent of the communist process. Communism was one of four secular 'religions' (democracy, communism, fascism and Nazism) which attempted to give meaning in an enlightened world that had pushed God into the personal space.

In the early twentieth century, Communism arrived – using rifle bullets – at the same atheistic, violent place where today, in the early twenty-first century progressiveness arrived – and without any resistance. It does so using methods which are highly sophisticated, efficient, effective, and appallingly global.

As with communism, within the process we are experiencing today, there is no room for error.
Just as a god is never wrong and his clergy make the effort to explain why not, within his logic, so also in communism and its progressive continuation, the god's plots and the god's heirs are never wrong. And those who are awed by the god's magic will always find the way to explain why it isn't wrong.
From Long Covid to PIMS to Omicron, there will always be a reason why for whatever reason: – vaccinate! Vaccinate! Vaccinate!

Just as in the communist revolution, also in its progressive parallel – the Corona revolution – the internal enemy is ever-present. Repression will intensify even as resistance decreases.

Once the resistance included counter-revolutionaries (whites); today it's the unvaccinated. It is not the perceived danger from the resistance which brings about their persecution. It is the very need for constant war. "I want parents to fight with each other," said Naftali Bennett.

Just like communism fought the class war, so its modern successor is fighting the war of the vaccinated against the unvaccinated.
Just as in communism where factual, scientific historical reality was decided by the strong, so too in the new-old darkness that has descended upon our world, data and facts are but basic material in the hands of an artist.

For the corona saga to end, we simply have to step out of this nightmare and return to real life. Whoever is sick should stay home, drink chicken soup and take medications that have been proven effective. But that, however, is impossible.

For this corona saga to end, we simply have to step out of this nightmare and return to real life. Whoever is sick should stay home, drink chicken broth and take medications that have been proven effective. And that's all.

However, science and health have nothing to do with the current process. The new totalitarian power, communism in its sophisticated configuration, will always seek more power and more control.
That's what happens when you replace God – you have to reach for absolute power. So it is not going to end "when the pandemic is over."
It is not going to end because Corona is not the cause. Corona is the means.

Many of us have tried 'to catch the monster by the tail' to give these processes some logical meaning.
Heading the list of explanations of the insane process that humanity is experiencing, is, of course, the wide-ranging bribery with which for generations, pharma companies have bribed the medical, media and political world.

Beyond those explanations lie conspiracy theories, some more logical than others.

But 'it was not the mouse that stole the cheeses, but the hole that stole' ((Babylonian Talmud in various places.)). It was the progressive consciousness creating fertile earth in which the new communism grew. Corona simply highlighted the war and provided the communist-progressive revolution with necessary enemies. And just like the communist revolutions of the past, the present revolution is also heaping up enormous mountains of corpses.

I do not know how calculated or spontaneous the Corona Revolution was. This way or that, it was the progressive 'hole' which stole the cheese. The mice came later.

It is not for nothing that the virus was born in China. China is the world communist power which turned its one billion and four hundred million citizens into a sub-human rabble. For decades China had only exported electronic toys and consumer goods to the free world. China was exporting values.

The recent quarantine camps in Australia would never have been possible had not the free world already come to terms with the concentration camps and forced labor for millions of Chinese.

The utter contempt for man's control over his own body would have been unthinkable had the free world waged a bitter war against the wholesale harvesting – and their sale at the highest possible price – of the organs of citizens who were "opponents of the regime" in China.

When you do not fight evil, you become part of it.

"The world will not be destroyed because of evil people but because of good people who have stood on the sidelines" said Albert Einstein.

The recent quarantine camps in Australia would never have been possible had not the free world already come to terms with the concentration camps and forced labor for millions of Chinese..
The utter contempt for man's control over his own body would have been unthinkable had the free world waged a bitter war against the wholesale harvesting – and their sale at the highest possible price – of the organs of citizens who were "opponents of the regime" in China.

Chinese Communist ideology fuels values ​​of the progressive ideology which continues it.


I received the following letter from a concerned Cuban:
"What is the mission of those who are conscious of what is happening here? I do not know how to continue living my life when I become aware of what is going on all over the world.
Unfortunately, I understand exactly what's going on here and no matter how much I would like to deny the horrible reality, I cannot deny the truth.
I do not know how we will survive this. I went to one of Pinkie Feinstein's groups. I saw people exactly in my situation and my heart broke even more.
I need meaning, to do my part in the world during this terrible period. I cannot continue to live as I have lived until now.
You are amongst the few people I still listen to and I would like to hear your opinion. "

"All I can say is that one must not lose faith in God," I replied,
"Not a passive faith in a redeemer, a faith that leads to tranquil determinism. That is not faith. It is simply apathy which leads its believers into disaster with their eyes wide open.

"I am talking about a practical faith, an optimistic faith that prevents despair and gives the strength to fight an extraordinary war; to fight back with all the legitimate tools at our disposal. We must save ourselves and save our environment.

"First of all – in your personal circle, do not give in to evil and tyranny.
Try very hard not to obey. Always deny the legitimacy of any move directed against you. Now, when you understand the big picture, you will realize that they will always take you to the point they assume you are willing to tolerate. They wait for you to get used to the latest reality, and then they push you even further down."

"We need to connect with people who feel like us. We have to look after our children openly (((Hebrew)  israeltomorrow.co.il: How to prevent unwanted injections in schools https://israeltomorrow.co.il/איך-למנוע-הזרקה-לא-רצויה-בבתי-הספר)). We have to help each other find work, get medical education, created communities. We have to get married and have children. We have to insist on living and create ways to be human.

"Reality is chaotic and it won't be easy. But 'a lie has short legs' and we will win because we will keep our freedom and humanity at all costs.

"Evil always imprisons itself, finally. Like the Soviet communism which suddenly collapsed and disappeared, this current insanity has an expiration date.

"Our King David also had to face a reality wherein the forces of evil seemed unstoppable – and so the Sweet Singer of Israel wrote in his book of Psalms

Psalm 37: Of David
1 Do not fret because of evildoers
or be envious of those who do injustice;
2 for like the grass they will soon be cut down,
like green vegetation they will wither.
3Trust in God and do good;
dwell in the land and nourish (yourself) with faith.
4 Take delight in God,
and He will grant you the desires of your heart.
5 Commit your ways to God;
rely on him and He will act:
6 He will reveal your righteousness like the dawn,
and your justice like the high noon.
7 Be still before God
and wait longingly for Him;
do not fret when others succeed in their ways,
when they carry out their wicked plans.
8 Refrain from anger and turn from wrath;
do not fret—it only leads to harm.
9 For evildoers will be cut off,
but those who hope in God will inherit the earth.
10 A little longer and there will be no wicked one;
though you consider his place, he will not be found.


  1. Htt 1 https://vaers.hhs.gov/ || https://openvaers.com
  2. https://pecc.org.il/docpdf/positionstatement_childvac/
  3. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.07.08.21260210v1 https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-01897-w
  4. /https://brownstone.org/articles/16-studies-on-vaccine-efficacy
  5. https://rb.gy/jc7b0z
  6. Genesis: 18,25
  7. https://www.mako.co.il/news-law/legal/Article-f7c540c3a329221004.htm
  8. All over the world, scientists and researchers who try to say present the opposite view are being boycotted. Prominent examples in Israel are Dr. Michal Haran, members of the Public Defender's Office (Public Emergency Council) and more.
  9. Babylonian Talmud in various places.
    10.(Hebrew) israeltomorrow.co.il: How to prevent unwanted injections in schools
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